Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Max & Ginny & Oscar Jelly Beans





These two are a bonded pair of sweethearts really.. they tragically were the victims of a divorce .. but they are a resilient pair and have settled in well here and are playing all the time.. They will make fine additions to anyones home.. its so much easier with adult bassets they are past all the "puppy" craziness.. they are just pleasent to have around.. no muss no fuss..

Then there is Oscar Jelly Beans.. he is just 6 months old and full of beans hense the name.. but sweet none the less.. he is a little clingy as he is the victim of abandonment and shuffling around.. so he needs stability in his life and will be a fine companion ..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HOPEFULLY the same thing will
happen to MAX and GINNIE and they
will stay together forever.
I'm sure there is a person with a
special heart that will see that
they belong to each other

FAITH...............and an angel