Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rescue Burnout

.. I NEVER thought I would fall victim to this .. however how wrong I was.. This burnout can make you a shadow of who You were.. That from one day to the next it can hit you.. Late October it hit me.. fortunately it is now leaving.. I can see some light in the tunnel.. and will be writing and saving bassets in the near future ..

Thank You.


Anonymous said...

Oh Helen you have no clue how happy it makes me to know that you are starting to feel better once again! Times can be rough but in the end they will always work out. You are an amazing person and because of you I made the leap into fostering for BHRG and it has been the best decision I have made in a long time. I hope I can talk to you soon.

-Erika <3

Anonymous said...

Welcome back.....it's good to hear from you and to see the writing again.
Please take care and steady your pace!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Helen it's great that you are back
with us and I sincerely hope that
you will be very careful not to fall
back again. I very well know the
bassets needs your help but you have
to think of yourself FIRST........

I am hoping that for 2009 people will make the resolution to be a
FOSTER even if it is just one time
then it will be 1 dog in good hands

Happy trail........