Friday, May 1, 2009

Piper Is Going Home

.. Tomorrow Piper is going to his new Forever Home in New Brunswick.. with a lovely family.. this boy has only ever wanted a family of his own.. he has been shuffled around for the last 3 years of his life.. but no more.. the Universe has spoken and now he's got the love and security he has longed for.. I couldn't be happier for this very sad faced basset called " Piper " I'm driving him past Quebec City and his new family are driving 5.5 hours to come pick him up.. WooHoo..



Anonymous said...

This is such GREAT news....

Finally Piper has a home to go to
for a very long time.........

Not that he was in a bad place with
Helen but it will be nice for him
to not have to share everything like
a mom, a dad, maybe children too

Best of luck Piper and have a very
good and full life. Hopefully your
eyes will perk up very very very


BHRQ said...

Yes I agree.. They all need their own families to flourish..