Sunday, May 23, 2010

BHRQ Is Being Forced to Move or Cease Functioning

.. As many of you know that the municipality as well as its workers have been harassing me / fining me / peeping in windows.. to snap pictures after crossing through private property.. go up on my back deck.. move my tempo to snap pictures of my kitchen through the patio door.. talk about feeling violated.. This past friday I was here working on my computer as usual catching up and planning my weekend.. The dogs were barking as usual in here with anything that passed.. so its NOT a new event.. Later on I was dressed and out the door.. and that alone is often a feat as they want to go too.. I quickly backed out.. turned headed for the van as I had plans.. This worker says.. Your not going anywhere.. excuse me I said... You didn't answer the door.. I looked at him answer who I can't hear a thing in there with the dogs barking .. we called the police to gain entry.. just wait.. Soon she arrived they were blabbing on about me.. the rescue.. illegal use of MY home..

I was livid.. this was so typical .. the mentality of these people SUCK...

They haven't a clue about the concept of rescue.. its like I speak a foreign language..they would just as soon put a bullet through their heads and be done with excess dogs.. In the country thats the way they do it.. Then they are threatening me with all kinds of crap if I don't let them in to see my rescues and take pictures.. he had already said he would stay and keep me there until he got a court order.. NOW imagine .. over a couple of dogs he is showing his MACHOness.. you know the men TRY to make their point known by there aggressive manner.. I had THINGS to do I couldn't let this guy tie up my day.. I knew his smug self would not go until I let them in.. Karma does have a way of equaling the field I thought.

The police in tow they entered snapping their photos.. more court evidence they said.. as well I was snapping pictures of them violating MY space.. like I'm some big criminal.. I could feel the steam coming out my ears.. They finally left with a parting comment.. You'll receive fines mail about this..( $4200.00 ) My parting comment was YOU REALLY HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO.. LOOK ON THIS STREET .. THERE ARE 4 ABOVE GROUND POOLS ready for summer action ladders plus... BUT NO PROTECTION.. NO FENCE.. NOT CHILD SAFE.. YES HERE IN RIGAUD YOU PEOPLE WORRY MORE ABOUT DOGS THAN CHILDREN WHO COULD EASILY DROWN DUE TO YOUR AND THEIR NEGLIGENCE.. SHAME ON YOU.. The cop looked back yes its going to take a drowning before they wake up.. and closed the door.. Put this out of my head or I knew I'd end up feeling like shit all day.. and I wasn't going to give them that power over me.

Stay Tuned.


Murdox said...

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. It's completely ridiculous.

Anonymous said...


If I would not be a gentle Basset
I would love to eat them alive.

They are the worst kind of something
on 2 legs

I'm really sorry it's happening to
you and who on this earth can beat
a MUNICIPALITY that wants MONEY????
For them you are an easy prey but
for us they are GARBAGE

Donna Funk said...

Contact one of your newspapers or TV stations. In the US, they would not be able to enter a home unless they had a court order. And if they did get a court order to enter your home, believe me - a newspaper would LOVE to find out who that judge was who has nothing better to do that to issue court orders to check on dogs.

MAJA said...

I can't believe you have to live through this!! Not only is it sad that there has to BE rescues for dogs because people are negligent and ignorant, it's even worse that you get no support from the municipality or government to help you in your case.
I agree that you should involve the media. Best of luck Helen :)

Anonymous said...

Sell and Move farther north......could you not start a petition or something and present it to the municipality ??

Anonymous said...

Take it to the media.

dreameyce said...

Oh my goodness! My worse nightmare! I'm so, so worry this crud is happening to you.

I agree, write the newspapers, call news stations, heck even send the Animal Control, and Police Department information about animal rescue, and the GOOD impact you have in the community. They want to make a stink, and now it's YOUR time.

Take care of yourself, and please stay strong.

Unknown said...

Please, talk to the media. They love this kind of story and maybe...just maybe...they will be able to put you in touch with someone who can help.