Friday, May 28, 2010

Tough Week

.. Well besides trying to prepare for a fundraising garage sale that hopefully goes well saturday morning .. I've been called upon quite a bit for dogs this week including a bloodhound.. its so tough with the municipality harassment breathing down my neck.. I know they are building a large case against me because he looked so smug when he left.. satisfied he got pictures again..

In the meanwhile my Percy hasn't been doing well.. he will turn 16 november .. I fear I am loosing him .. this is weighing very heavy on me.. Years back I used to sing a song to him called " Somewhere " I would change the words around a bit like.. " I'll hold your leash when we get there " The dream for us was a hobby farm where he could run stay out as long as he wanted without grief from anyone if he barked as his bark is from his toes.. Perimeter walking is a favorite activity of his.. and I'd tell him how deep the snow gets in rural fields.. but I failed him .. I haven't been able to provide that for him.. maybe for Hoover and Micky I can..


HoundDogMom said...

I am sorry for all you are having to go through with the authorities. If they could only see in their heart you are doing great things. I also send prayers to you and Percy. I know what you are going through right know. I have a 12 yr old Bloodhound going through advance liver disease. No magic pill just enjoying her while we can over the next few days. God Bless you for all you are doing for rescues. Sherri

Anonymous said...

My current challenge to myself is not to assume I know what other need want. I thought of that when I read your comment about having failed him. Ask yourself if he feels you failed to provide the life he'd want. He's been with you through being there for so many others, I bet he's enjoyed it every bit as much as he would have in some idilic setting!!

I know Bailey would say thank you to him & you for making the choices you have.