Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Basset 500.. A Work In Progress

.. Today Hoover was trying to get his little charges to run a race with him around the house.. I know by the looks on their faces they thought he was crazy.. they did follow him but not at the speed he wanted.. well not yet anyways.. I'm sure before they go to their new homes they will have been involved in a few Basset 500's.. most basset owners know this activity quite well.. and it can always bring a smile to your face..


Anonymous said...

The Basset 500 even with one hound can make the noise like a small herd of Elephants. I'm sure your Old Boy Percy just lays back and dreams about the day he won the Basset 500.Our Flash Basset does this at least daily if Hoover trains those pups well Flash will have a run for his money.

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes the Basset 500 lol

it really doe sput a smile on your face!