Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hernia Surgery..

.. One of the pup's I rescued in January was suffering from a hernia.. but as they were just 3 weeks old there were not to many options but to wait as long as he wasn't in severe pain.. Well his hernia surgery was performed Wednesday and he is doing fine despite the fact that it was a difficult surgery lasting over an hour.. Geeezzz sometimes I wish we had medicare for dogs.. this surgery cost $517.00 .. but the long and short of it is.. He is fine.. even though he has this to contend with..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor little baby what a way to start
a life,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hopefuly every-
thing will turn out fine and it
wont stop him to enjoy a good life.

I wish the pupy and also you Helen
have a good recovery