Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bonded Pair of Senior Boys

.. Sometimes we get senior bassets they take special people to be willing to adopt .. most people want pups or younger ones.. I'm never sure its always the right choice.. After all these are seasoned dogs.. they are past all the toddler antics.. they don't ask for much.. With an adult dog what you see is what you get.. no guessing how they will look .. as adults they can hold themselves allot longer than a pup.. their characters are easy going as they have life experience.. No muss no fuss.. and GREAT COMPANIONS.. So back to these boys they need forever homes they are both over 6 years of age hence making them senior adoptees..Their Mom had a stroke leaving her unable to care for them as well herself.. Sad to say the least.. These boys have had their world turned upside down.


Now aren't they sweet..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


They need each other

You should know that Bassets are
ALWAYS better in pair and they are
NO TROUBLE........because they have
each other to keep busy.

2 good meals a day, a good bed,
your affection and love and they
will give back 1,000%