Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pet Fair Day.. Success


Oh my goodness what a day.. the weather rocked at about 60+ out sunshine.. beautiful.. The rescues were showing up as scheduled as well early bird folks.. One dog caught my eye as it was a white boxer.. the thing was he was deaf and her owner spoke to her in sign language.. she knows 21 signs.. it was amazing to watch.. She was there with Boxer Rescue.. I was between her and Greyhound Rescue.. I got the table pretty much set up.. and then the fun began.. I had brought the two pups that were adopted for pick-up.. then I had also brought Gracie as well hernia boy.. They were the hit of the day..

The two new sets of guardians Jen & Steve came for their " Wink " with Flash The Basset.. what a handsome group they made..

Hernia Boy now Dudley was adopted also and Caius below



The great thing was 3 of my past rescues came in to say HI.. it was GREAT.. they looked so good.. pictures are okay but in real life WOW.. is all I can say.. Mozart .. Charlotte.. Sherlock.. looked HAPPY HEALTHY and well looked after I am so proud of their owners.. they just rock..

Now for me I was able to adopt hernia boy.. now named Dudley.. # 1 Girl .. and Gracie.. Well I have reference checks to do but I don't see ANY problems arising with these gentle souls that approached me to adopt them.. It was just a really Graced Day..

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hi Helen

Flash and Wink are getting along well. Flash kept Wink company last night so the whimpers were kept to a minimum we certainly are blessed with two very nice fur kids. Today Flash and Wink have been walked down to my inlaws for a couple of visits together. She certainly is a bright puppy catching on fast to the routine around here. Watching Tv this afternoon I had Wink on one knee and Flash had his head on the other, on a rainy afternoon nothing makes one want to have a nap more than two warm hounds.
Thanks Again I will send pictures soon.