Wednesday, March 4, 2009

BHRQ Foster Parents Bravo

.. You know its very hard to find reliable foster homes for bassets.. but I must say I feel blessed by those that have stepped up to the plate.. especially since the municipality came down on me last year for too many dogs.. Rescues depend on fosters to allow us to rescue as many bassets as possible.. I know just in these last few weeks I've needed fosters and 4 stepped up.. for that I am so grateful .. These people will never know how very valuable they are within this Universe and how their act of kindness will undoubtedly bring them good karma.. So I humbly say THANK YOU to Fosters everywhere..

1 comment:

isa73 said...

Helen, we had soo much fun with them (Webster, Gaspard & Wilson). Taking care of those dogs for a short period of time was a great experience. We learn so much with them as they are alike but so different at the same time!
Bassets are adorable! I don't understand how people cannot take their responsibilities. I believe that if you want a dog, you have to think long term like having children...
Continue your great work!!!