Friday, February 26, 2010

Follow-Up To BHRQ Being Violated

... Well I was in touch with our local newspaper here and explained what had happened.. The editor was appalled and shocked as I was that this could go on.. So she wrote an article after speaking to those involved.. here is the article.. You'll need to Click Blue Link and scroll down to page 5 .. I hope I get some help with this the rescue really cannot afford this craziness.. A few friends wrote these words of disgust to me..

Excellent article that shows you are being victimized by your municipality and that won't stand well with the homeowners who pay taxes. I would make reference to money being wasted by the people in charge who are harassing a credible charity organization that benefits the townships by taking animals from shelters and a adopts them out to loving families. "

"Did they knock? Of course they will say they did. Also, the part about "whatever somebody else can actually see"; the only way they "saw" was to move aside your temp covering. That should not have been allowed."

"About the blue cover..looking at the two pictures, the man did pull the tarp corner back to be able to see in the door. I would be inclined to call the police and show them the photographs. Looking up laws, these workers trespassed and committed invasion of privacy. If you inform the police now least that happens is there is a record on file, best scenario charges are laid against the two workers."

Yes they did .. like I said its just lucky I had clothes on.

Newspaper article


Kat said...

Wouldn't it be nice if someone at a television or radio station picked this up?

Reena said...

Hey Helen,
I've added a link to the article to my Facebook page. I also have a few journalists in the family (not in your area, but maybe I can see if they'll shake a few trees). I'm sure this is a larger issue than just Rigaud anyway... it would be interesting to see an article discussing the types of issues faced by other rescues as well.

Anonymous said...

I still maintain that you should get
a big mean German Sheppard....

Seriously this is outrageous and NO

I wish a lawyer would take this case
PRO BONO and shred that Municipality
to pieces...................


Kat said...

I know that Sophie from Sophie's rescue has had many issues with the city of montreal. It seems to be a common problem with rescuers. The cities go after people who are really doing good instead of going after backyard breeders and puppy mills .