Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Night Blues

.. Wow its been an odd day of up and down emotions.. I'm getting things done around here with some of the dogs placed I have time to look after house stuff that I had put off.. I ripped up the carpet in the living room.. Far too many piddles on it lately that even the steam cleaner couldn't fix.. So its going to have an easy clean floating PVC flooring.. but thats not it..

I had to dismantle the living room.. which meant moving out book cases ectra.. well I turned looked straight ahead and there it was.. a small wine colored silk bag with a ribbon on it.. It was Billy The Kid's ashes.. I had put them beside an angel I received from a friend for my birthday last year.. As I wasn't quite ready to deal with his passing.. Here their is always so much going on that I don't get much quiet time persay to think about matters of the heart like these... but today was different.. I looked at the shelf.. shook my head.. yup a tear down my cheek..


This boy I only had received a short time ago in rescue that had traveled all the way from Alberta.. had succumbed to cancer.. Robbed of a chance of a better life.. I just had had a request about him for adoption.. Yes my mind has been all over the board today.. remembering that puppy Sherlock that won my heart so deeply.. even with the stains on the floor and other odds and sods..

.. However I know I have to decide what to do with Billy's ashes.. and I will.. I love to start trees from seeds and I experiment with hard to grow ones.. I received two southern black walnut tree seeds 2 years back from an online friend who said " Give them a try ".. I planted them with TLC.. in hope of them growing and the squirrels not getting them.. Well two of them have grown..

I think one will be moved and named/grown for Billy and I'll place his ashes with the tree.. hence his life will go on in a different form.. Oh I do ramble on at times.. I'll stop.. Go make a tea.. and walk the dogs.. its almost 10pm.



Anonymous said...

Aw, just know you did all that you could for him when others wouldn't.

That is a wonderful idea placing his ashes in with the tree, it will grow big and strong with Billy's memory.

Bleu the hound said...

That is an excellent idea. Billy will be dancing around the tree and watching over things just like he always like to do.

BHRQ said...

I sincerely hope so..

Thanks E & R..