Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Little Alyson


.. My little friend Alyson is back in hospital .. her last chemo treatments have made her sick enough that she cannot even eat.. So she will be there for a while.. She misses Betty terribly and asks her Dad all the time to hug her and give kisses.. She worry's more about Betty than herself..

Shortly after I delivered her gift of Betty.. their home computer broke.. now this family is constantly struggling to make ends meet as Alyson needs 24/7 care with her very rare leukemia.. Dad cannot afford a new one that so there is no way for Alyson to see her Betty remotely.. I was sad hearing that news as I know how much better she does with Betty in her life.. I pray she gets well and gets back home to Betty .. for this is the one thing Alyson thrives with.. Betty is her constant companion.. She cannot go to school.. or play with other kids.. Her immune system is so compromised..
If You are reading this.. PLEASE add Alyson to your thoughts and prayers..



Anonymous said...


Not only will I think of Alyson
but I will try to get them another
computer as soon as I can

That little girl deserves to have
a few things to get her life a
tiny bit better

I will keep you posted

BHRQ said...

Thank You Kind Spirited One..

Anonymous said...

If the Angels are as good as they
get, Alyson and her parents should
have a new computer very soon

Somebody is kind hearted enough
to think that she is worth it